Dampier Foreshore
The Esplanade, Dampier, 6713
The Dampier Foreshore offers shaded picnic areas and pedestrian walkways along the palm tree lined Esplanade, with swimming opportunities at Shark Cage Beach and Hampton Harbour Beach.
Dampier’s coastal vibe makes it a great spot to spend a couple of hours relaxing.
A public boat ramp is located near Windy Ridge Beach and is accessed via Ian Williams Crescent off The Esplanade. The covered public information shelter near the boat ramp displays maps of Hampton Harbour and Dampier Archipelago.
Jarman Island Lighthouse
Visible from Point Samson and Cossack, Jarman Island Lighthouse is one of the Pilbara's most important historic landmarks.
Roaming With Red Dog Trail
Follow the Red Dog signposted trail around town to get a feel for the place where Red Dog spent a lot of his time and see if you can complete the trail’s online quest!